All throughout these years we’ve delivered all kinds of compelling pieces that put us on the map, but… we wanted (needed) to make a studio statement. This is how Framemov came up with our new MANIFESTO.
As we were probing different routes (many routes) to get there, we eventually came up with the concept of a Journey. Not just our journey. It´s us taking our clients’ stories for a ride of possibilities.
How to make a visual piece out of this concept, and make every detail tell its story…
That was the challenge.
Journey concept was the scaffold to the whole thing. Now we needed a star to this piece. Answer to this was right there: our client´s story. One white foamy cube on the inside that stands for that raw, pure, yet undefined idea on the earliest stages of every project. Transparent cristal coating on the outside, a subtle spoiler of the polished story that this journey (and the cube itself) will eventually end up with.
But our client´s idea was never meant to make this trip all on its own. Framemov had to be there too. We took our FrameCube (our 3D version of our 2D logo) and re-designed it to fit this piece, made it evolve by deploying an extra dimension in addition to the current three. Shaders were also carefully developed: metal suggests our own step forward at Framemov, coated by an iridiscent film depicting the broad palette of possibilities to every story.
On screen, we would take that raw-idea (white cube) and make it the core of the creation process by embedding it into/inside our FrameCube.
For the stage we revamped classic masterpiece “Ascending and Descending” by famous 20st century artist MC Escher. The way it unfolds hidden dimensions at plain sight is just the closest we could get to our mindset. On this basis, 4 stages: Experiential, Interactive, Light Art and Advertising.
General Look&Dev was always meant to go… mature. Minimal post, no motion graphics, no mograph, hard edges, simple yet powerful color palette. Just the exact ingredients to focus on Digital Storytelling.
To get this whole thing rolling… we picked NotchVFX as the only 3D software tool to make it happen. We were (are) using Notch for a long time for all kinds of content creation, from 2D to Interactive, and everything in between. As Media Xplorers we are, we took the dirt road: Notch 1.0 Beta.
It´s always risky, sometimes painful, to produce over Beta software. But Notch is a wonderful tool we enjoy using and, hey, we wanted to make a statement with this piece, right? Final cut was performed over DaVinci Resolve, proving once more it´s just an amazing, professional and versatile tool for digital non-linear editing.
So this was our production roadmap for our manifesto. And our mainframe to everything to come! Brand guidelines, social networks, website identity, press releases… As always, lots of decission making but, most important, taking a core concept and stick to it until final export. Good stuff happens when you take an idea and raise it into a wonderful story.
Santiago Vieito – Audiovisual Art Director at Framemov